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"الغذاء والدواء" ترصد تحذيرا "دوليا" من تناول مشروبات تنتجها شركة "مارس" .. لتلوثها ببكتيريا باسيلس


  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية (FDA) تتابع مستجدات تلوث الفول السوداني بالسالمونيلا تايفموريم (Salmonella Typhimurium)

 أعلنت هيئة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية (FDA) بتاريخ 18 /1/ 2009م الموافق 21/1/1430هـ أن منتج الفول السوداني وعجينة الفول السوداني المنتجة في مصانع الشركة الأمريكية للفول السوداني Peanut Corporation of America (PCA)  في كل من ولاية جورجيا وكناتيكت ملوثة ببكتريا السالمونيلا تايفموريم Salmonella Typhimurium، وذلك بناءا على نتائج العينات التي قامت بها ولاية منيسوتا وجورجيا الامريكية ، وكما اوضحت الشركة الأمريكية للفول السوداني (PCA)

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  • Call Centre 19999

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وكالة الصحة الحكومية الكندية تعلن عن تفشي الإصابة بـ (بكتيريا اللستيريا)


أعلنت وكالة الصحة الحكومية الكندية في موقعها على الانترنت عن تفشي وباء سببته بكتيريا تسمى اللستيريا (LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES)، حيث تعاونت الوكالة مع عدد من الهيئات المحلية والإقليمية في عدد من الولايات و ذلك للتحقق من أن الحالات التي تم اكتشافها تحمل نفس البصمة الوراثية للبكتيريا.
وحتى إعداد هذا الخبر، تم رصد 26 حالة إصابة بعدوى بكتيريا اللستيريا في كندا منها 12 حالة وفاة. كما تم اكتشاف 29 حالة إضافية مصابة بالبكتيريا، و الهيئة الكندية تحاول التحقق من البصمة الوراثية لها.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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Salmonella Contamination in Seven Cadbury Chocolate Brands


Seven cadbury chocolate brands have been recalled due to salmonella contamination.

The food standards Agency, UK, has issued a (Food Alert for Action( over one million chocolate bars have already been removed from shelves in the UK. Apparently, a leaking pipe at Cadburys

marl brook factory in Herefordshire caused the salmonella contamination.

What is Salmonellosis?

Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease caused by infection of some salmonella species which may lead to intestinal disorders.

Incubation period: 6 - 72 hours.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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The Shanghai food and drug administration announced it detected excessive residue of carcinogenic substances in turbot fish


East China's Shandong Province has banned the sales of turbot containing excessive amounts of carcinogens that were purposefully fed banned chemicals by fish farmers.

Shandong, a major turbot producing area, has urged local authorities to ban feeding turbot and other fish banned medicines and foodstuffs in a bid to ensure food safety.

It has also called on local authorities to trace contaminated fish and crank up inspection efforts in the raising, transportation, storage and sales of turbot and other fish.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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Norovirus Breaks Out All Across Iowa in USA


The Health Department says Norovirus is breaking out all across the state. In the past month, more than 1,000 people have become infected in at least seven different locations.

The virus gives people a stomach ache and makes them feel nauseous. The illness lasts for a few days, and then people usually fully recover, but it's still possible to spread the virus.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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FDA and States Closer to Identifying Source of E.Coli Contamination Associated With Illnesses at Taco John's Restaurants


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced that it has moved closer to identifying the source of illness for the Taco John E.coli outbreak. FDA and the state of California, working in conjunction with state health officials in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, have DNA-matched the strain of E.coli0157:H7 bacteria associated with the outbreak with tow environmental samples gathered from dairy farms near a lettuce growing area in California's Central Valley.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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Watercress products withdrawn from sale


The Food Standards Agency has been informed that Soleco UK Ltd has withdrawn watercress products, including watercress and spinach, and watercress and rocket mixed salad, from sale at branches of Budgens, Co-op, and a number of convenience stores, because of possible salmonella contamination.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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FDA Update on Salmonella Outbreak Linked to All Peter Pan Peanut Butter and Certain Lot Numbers of Great Value Brand Peanut Butter


Product testing by several states has now confirmed that Peter Pan peanut butter and certain Great Value brand peanut butter are the sources of the foodborne illness outbreak of Salmonella Tennessee that began in August 2006. To date 329 individuals have become ill from consuming the contaminated peanut butter, and 51 of those persons were hospitalized.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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Castle Produce Announces the Recall of Cantaloupe Melons Due to Salmonella Contamination


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Los Angeles, CA -- February 23, 2007 – Castle Produce, a subsidiary of Tropical Produce, Inc., a wholesale importer of fresh fruit and vegetables announced the recall of cantaloupes in California due to potential health concerns. Some cantaloupes delivered on or after 2/16/2007 have tested positive for Salmonella, although no illnesses have been reported.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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