Medical Device Description
Nebulizer device is a device that converts the drug solution into small drops such as the spray body, and delivers the active substance in the prescribed drug with high efficiency to the trachea and lungs by using a mask or mouthpiece. The home steam device is used to treat lung diseases such as asthma, cystic pulmonary fibrosis, chest sensitivity, and other respiratory diseases.
Instructions when purchasing the Medical Device
1. You should follow the doctor instructions before the using of the Nebulizer Machine.
2. Make sure that the accessories are clean and ready to use
3. Make sure that the buyer is licensed by the relevant authorities and that the device has a marketing authorization from SFDA.
4. Ensure that there is a warranty on the device, and after-sales services such as maintenance.
5. Ensure there is Arabic/English instruction of use to know how to use and care for the device.
The Safe Use of the Medical Device
• If the Nebulizer mask is used, it should be placed on the face tightly to allow the passage of steam to the nose and mouth, but in the case of using a mouthpiece, it should be placed between the teeth and completely close the mouth.
• Turn on the steam device to make sure it works properly and you should see fog coming from the storage cup
• You should sit straight, and in case the patient is a child, let him sit in your lap.
• You have to take a deep and slow breath if possible, lock each inhale for 2-3 seconds before exhaling. This allows the droplets of the drug to settle in the airways
• Continue breathing slowly until the medicine is gone (with an average of 10 minutes).
• During treatment, if the medicine is glued to both sides of the storage cup, shake the storage cup to assemble the drops at the bottom of the cup to facilitate fumigation.
• When the treatment is done, the steam device and its accessories should be placed in a clean place while cleaning the mask and the mouthpiece of the mouth and nose if needed.
• You should wash the mouth after each treatment specially if the medicine contains storioid derivatives to avoid the formation of fungi in the mouth.
• Nebulizer device must be maintained periodically in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations
• Make sure that you get the invoice
• Take a user training on how to use the Nebulizer device
• Do not use device extensions (medicine storage cup, tubes, mouth and nose mask) from patient to patient to avoid infection
• Make sure that the patient does not have allergies from the used medicine.
• In case of side effects (e.g. dizziness or nervous tremor), the following should be done:
- Stop the treatment.
- Try to breathe slowly.
- Inform your healthcare supervisor.
To report problems related to medical devices, please visit the website of the National Center for Medical Devices Reporting:
Or contact us through the number 19999