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Scientific Name Pharmaceutical form Strength Value

Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine Intermediate strain

Lyophilisate for solution for injection


Avian infectious bronchitis virus Massachuesetts B-48 strain

Lyophilisate for suspension

min. 2.8log10 EID50

CL Novyi B/ CL Perdringens C/CL Perdringens D/CL Septicum/CL Chauvoei/ Cl Tetani/CL haemolyticum

Solution for injection

17500DLM50- , 20000DLM50- , 75000DLM50- , 15000DLM50- , 10- , 7- , 20-

Spectinomycin/Lincomycin HCL

Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use

100mg , 50mg

Dihydrostreptomycin sulphate/ penicillinG benzathine/penicillin G procaine

Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use

250IU , 100000IU , 100000IU


Powder for use in drinking water


Amoxicillin Trihydrate

Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use


Tolfenamic Acid

Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use


Pencillin G Procaine/Dihydrostreptomycinas sulphate

Age-appropriate dosage form for parenteral use

200 000mg , 200mg

Tylosin tartrate

Solution for injection

200 000IU/ml

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