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A Government Opinion Recommended Restriction of Used Medical Devices Imports


The national conference for discussion of the status of medical devices and the sale and donation of same , recommended restriction of used medical devices imports and that the seller and buyer must be known in case the medical devices are sold within the Kingdom and the device shall be marked accordingly.

The meeting, held in SFDA Head Quarters and attended by representatives from SFDA, Ministry of Health, Hospitals and Concerned Government entities, discussed the methods  of  selling and importation of used medical devices and restriction of their negative selling.

The meeting was chaired by the Executive Director for Inspection and Enforcement Department of SFDA, Dr. Abdullah Al Rasheed who stated that some Health Centres and Private Hospital do not take sufficient precautions when selling or donating the used medical devices which may lead to transfer of infection between patients.

To this extent, the Head of Personal Medical Devices Section of SFDA, Mr. Saeed Al Kahatani , stated that 88% of the Saudi Hospitals donate used medical device due to replacement of same with moden ones and that 60% of the hospitals donate their device abroad, pointing out that 30% of such devices are sold in auctions after inspection and confirmation of their safety. 

The Authority