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Participation of the drug sector in Dubai Pharmacy and Technology conference and collateral exhibition


Saudi Food and Drug Authority represented by drug sector participated inDUPHAT (Dubai International Pharmaceutical & Technologies Conference and Exhibition) during 13-15/2/1427 (13-15/3/2006).

Dr.Saleh bin Abdullah Bawazir (Vice-President of Drug Sector – SFDA) and couple of pharmacists attended the conference. Dr. Bawazir presented a lecture (Evaluation of Medical Publications).

The admission of section's pharmacists in colleges in :( New Zealand, Malaysia, Canada, USA) was discussed by Dr. Bawazir and number of deans in these countries.

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Drug sector arranges workshop about the" drug policy and procedures"


The SFDA has arranged workshop related to drug policy and procedures in cooperation with the international bank and World Health Organization. This workshop discuses the drug sector and the drug policy requirements for safety and life improvement of the publics and they puts the main objectives for this policy to ensure safety, effectiveness, quality, price and good medication consumption. In addition, the workshop focused on how to find an effective way to communicate with patients and all society individuals.

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SFDA accomplish writing a couple of guidelines


SFDA has accomplished some of its guidelines in contribution with a specialized committees includes experts and drug liables at Saudi levels; those guidelines are based on the higher and up to dates quality standers in drug monitoring and regulations worldwide.

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A Team From the Drug Sector Conducts a Survey Study on Medicine and Cosmetics Brought in by Pilgrims Coming From Abroad


 The Saudi Food and Drug Authority represented by a work team from its Drug Sector will conduct a survey study on medicine and cosmetics accompanied by pilgrims coming from abroad to Jeddah and Madina during the period 20/11/1427h to 7/12/1427h.The survey will be conducted in collaboration with the Customs Department.

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FDA proposes to expand labelling for antidepressants


    At an advisory panel meeting, the FDA proposed updating the labelling for antidepressants to warn of the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour in patients 24 years old and younger. Late Wednesday, the advisory panel voted 6 to 2 in favour of recommending that labelling for antidepressants be modified to reflect this risk. 

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WHO and partners accelerate fight against counterfeit medicines


Up to 50% of medicines sold through rogue web sites are fake

The World Health Organization (WHO) and more than 20 international partners launched a comprehensive package of measures to help national authorities safeguard their populations from the dangers of counterfeit medicines.

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FDA proposes higher fees for drug approvals to cover postmarketing surveillance


The US Food and Drug Administration has agreed with pharmaceutical manufacturers on an almost 30% increase in the "user fees" that drug makers pay to the FDA to expedite approval of new drugs. The FDA has also consulted patient advocates, consumer groups, health professionals, and academic researchers about the new rules.

User fees are annual fees paid by pharmaceutical manufacturers. The FDA wants them to increase by $87.4m to $392.8m (£199.0m; 303.7m). The FDA now gets more than half of its funding from user fees.

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باوزير: نظام هيئة الغذاء منحها اعتماد السياسة الدوائية للمملكة


أوضح الدكتور صالح باوزير نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لشؤون الدواء في الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء، أن نظام الهيئة الجديد الذي صدر أخيرا قد غطى نطاق أعمال الهيئة بالكامل.

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FDA Approves Orlistat for Over-the-Counter Use


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved orlistat capsules as an over-the-counter (OTC) weight loss aid for overweight adults. Orlistat was initially approved in 1999 as a prescription drug to treat obesity, and remains a prescription drug for obesity at a higher dose than the OTC version. OTC orlistat will be manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline under the name Alli and is indicated for use in adults ages 18 years and older along with a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet, and exercise program.

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The Kingdom Expenditure of Money on Drug Sector Reaches 202 Billion Riyals During One Year


D. Ubaid bin Salman Alubaid the under secretary of health clarified that the health ministry expenditure of money on drug purchase reached 2200 million riyals in the budget of this year, and this represents 45% of drug market in the Kingdom.

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