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SFDA: ‘ Recall of Vitamin D ‘One Alpha’ is Not True.


SFDA announced that the news communicated on the social media about the recall of vitamin D ‘ One Alpha’  produced by Leo company of Denmark , is not true. However,  no new issues regarding the safety of the product, when used properly, or regarding its quality mandating its recall from the Saudi market.


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Phase VI of The Drug Awareness Caravan Visits Mahayl Assir, Al Majardah & Ballasmar


The activities of The Drug Awareness Caravan, organized by SFDA, has recently concluded it 6th, cycle at Mahayl Assir, Al Majardah & Ballasmar hospitals.

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SFDA’s Drug Sector Holds its 2nd, Annual Gathering


Under the auspice of H.E. the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Kanhal, SFDA’s Drug Sector held its 2nd, Annual Gathering on Tuesday 19/2/1434H ( 1/1/2013) at ‘ Bin Turki Hall’ , Riyadh Sheraton Hotel for the sector’s employees, for the year 1433l2012

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SFDA Wins the First Place of “Health Awareness Innovation” Award


  SFDA, represented by Drug Sector won the First Place of Health Awareness Committee ‘Hayatuna’ “Innovation in Health Awareness” Award, in Health Awareness Publications.

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The Saudi food & drug authority participated in the first Saudi conference for pharmaceutical-economic


The Saudi food & drug authority (represented by the department of pricing and pharmaceutical-economic at drug sector) participated in the first Saudi conference for pharmaceutical-economic which was held on the 3-4 of Rajb 1432H (5-6 June 2011) at the Intercontinental Hotel. This conference was organized by the King Saud Medical City under the Ministry of Health and in presence of his highness Dr. Andullah Alrabeeah the Health Minister.

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Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) PRESS RELEASE – Safety of Pioglitazone - (Actos®)


Recently, the French Medicine Agency has suspended marketing authorization of anti-diabetic drug Pioglitazone (Actos®). French agency action has been announced after the result of recent retrospective cohort study has become available. This study was carried out in France and suggested an excess increase in bladder cancer among pioglitazone and pioglitazone-containing product users, Adjusted Hazard Ration (HR) was (1.22 [95% CI: 1.05-1.43]).

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The SFDA Announced the Transference of Drug Monitoring Duties from the Ministry of Health to It


The SFDA announced that the duty of monitoring drugs will be
 transferred from the Ministry of health to the SFDA on
Wednesday, 15\7\1430 that equals 8\7\2009.

His Excellency Dr. Saleh Abdullah Bawazeer, Vice Executive
 President of Drug Affairs, clarified that by this process we apply
 the SFDA system which includes transferring all regulative,
 executive and monitoring duties, that are related to drugs, to the

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برنامج التثقيف الدوائي في أبها


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الهيئة العامة للغذاء و الدواء تباشر مهامها في فسح أدوية الحجاج


باشر مؤخرًا عدد من صيادلة قطاع الدواء بالهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء في المنافذ البرية و الجوية و البحرية التي تستقبل حجاج بيت الله.

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SFDA participation in the work shop of "New Guidelines for Development and Approval of


The SFDA participated in the workshop of "New Guidelines for Development and Approval of Bioequivalent products" which took place in Paris on the 8th to 9th of December 2005 which supported by the European Agency for Drug Evaluation in contribution with the Drug Union. Dr Mohammad Al Ahdal, member of the consulting committee of drug sector and president of team which responsible for guidance of biological products is the one who represent the SFDA in this international symposium.

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