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"If the authorised representative of a manufacturer has a authorised representation certificate for devices classified with a specific classification, but the device affected by the Field Safety Corrective Action is not from the production line responsible for it even though it is of the same classification, is he responsible for closing the Field Safety Corrective Action for this device? "


* The authorized representative notifies the manufacturer of the Field Safety Corrective Action and provides a statement from the factory about the representative responsible for following up the Field Safety Corrective Action * The approved authorized representative  clarifies the limits of his responsibilities according to the agreement with the manufacturer.


What is required of the authorised representative in the event that the distributor (s) do not respond to him / her regarding the implementing of Field Safety Corrective Action?


* Notification from the authorised representative to the distributor of the details of the problem and the required procedures and bearing full responsibility * Follow-up in applying the corrective action * Inform the SFDA of the updates with evidence of communication and follow-up 


What is a Field Safety Notice?


A notification issued by the National Center for Medical Devices Reporting stating the risk associated with the medical device or product and the corrective actions to be taken; To avoid the risk associated with it.


When does SFDA set requirements for corrective actions for reported devices?


if SFDA deems to  the necessity of conducting a study to evaluate the device, according to the frequency or severity of accidents, it may result in the addition of some conditions, which will inevitably be based on the methodology of risk analysis based on scientific foundations, and considering the best international practices.


Does SFDA require corrective action for all reported incidents of medical devices and products?


Not necessarily, and regulatory bodies often take the manufacturer's recommendations into account in such cases, and it is not prohibited to add some requirements according to each case separately.  


What are the obligations of importers and distributors regarding medical devices post-marketing?


Refer to SFDA requirements in this regard, as well as the following procedural rules and guidelines: • Implementing Rule for licensing facilities (MDS-IR4) • Post-Marketing Control Implementing Rule (MDS-IR7) • Relevant Guidance


What is the procedure followed to appoint a manufacturer liaison officer or his authorized representative with SFDA?


You must adhere to the announcment for responsible person for medical devices post market surveillance:


"What is Field Safety Corrective Action?"


Means an action taken by a manufacturer to reduce or remove a risk of death or serious deterioration in the state of health associated with the use of a medical device that is already placed on the market. The following are examples of these types of procedures: • Checking the device to ensure that it is free from problems • Repairing the device • Calibrating and adjusting device settings • relabeling  the device  • Destroying the device • Notifying patients about the problem of the device


SFDA urges home users to report accidents and problems of home use medical devices


Home use medical devices reports


Are the requirements for reporting incidents and adverse events of medical devices included in clinical studies different from the general requirements?


Do not differ, rather, it is the legal representative / The factory informs the authority in case of accidents and deaths in accordance with the announced reporting standards 

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