Saudi Vigilance System
The Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting Service is an online spontaneous reporting system for adverse events and pharmaceutical products defects to facilitate the reporting for health care professionals and the public.
The Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting Service is an online spontaneous reporting system for adverse events and pharmaceutical products defects to facilitate the reporting for health care professionals and the public.
The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) warned consumers not to use three skin care products that have elevated mercury levels.
The SFDA has explained that it observed warnings issued by international regulatory agencies about containing three skin care products elevated levels of mercury, which exceeded allowable limits according to the safety requirements of cosmetics and personal care products regulations NO. SFDA.CO/GSO 1943:2016.
The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) warned consumers not to use five eye care products that have elevated lead and arsenic levels.
The SFDA has explained that it collected and examined samples of eye care products from the local markets to ensure their safety.
Examination results revealed that the mentioned products contain elevated levels of “lead and arsenic", which exceeded allowable limits according to the safety requirements of cosmetics and personal care products regulations NO. SFDA.CO/GSO 1943:2016.
SFDA has explained that it collected and examined samples of hair straightening products from the local markets to ensure their safety.
Examination results revealed that the mentioned products contain high levels of "Formaldehyde", which exceeded allowable limits according to the safety requirements of cosmetics and personal care products regulations NO. SFDA.CO/GSO 1943:2016.
Noting, exposure to high levels of lead can cause health risks to the consumer.
Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has warned of using "Ethmod Kohl Zikra Al Haramain" due to contain high percentage of lead.
SFDA has explained that it examined samples of eye products from the local markets to ensure their safety.
Examination results revealed that the product contains a high percentage of lead, which exceeded allowable limit of impurities, according to the safety requirements of cosmetics and personal care products regulations NO. SFDA.CO/GSO 1943:2016.
Noting, exposure to high levels of lead can cause health risks to the consumer.