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Study Title Study Sponsor Status Study Drug Trial Phase Study Protocol Number Site
Tocilizumab Efficacy and Safety in RA Patients After Inadequate Response to DMARDs or Anti-TNF Roche Completed Tocilizumab 3 ML22726 KFSH
THydroxychloroquine versus Standard of Care for the Management of COVID-19 King Abdulaziz University Hospital Completed Hydroxychloroquine sulphate 3 249-20 KAUH-J
Therapeutic Effects of Colchicine in the Treatment of Symptomatic and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in COVID-19 Patients KACST Completed Colchicine 3 5200107 DCH
The study of efficacy and saftey of Rituximab in treatment of resistant glomerulonephritis The Saudi center for Organ Transplantation (SCOT) Completed Rituximab 3 MN-101-11 KFMC
"The efficacy of Leukotriene Inhibitor in Adult Patients with mild and moderate SARSCOV- 2 symptoms (COVID19): (Randomized Clinical Trial)" KAIMRC Ongoing Zafirlukast 2 RC20/206/R King Abdulaziz Medical City NG (Riyadh)
The Efficacy of an anti-inflammatory/antioxidant oral nutrition Supplementation on the Progression of COVID-19 in SARS-CoV-2 positive cases: A Randomized Controlled Trial General Directorate of Research and Studies, Ministry of Health Ongoing Dietary Supplement containing Vitamins A, C, E, selenium and Zinc 3 20092202 Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz hospital (Riyadh)
The Efficacy and Safety of Ferriprox® for the Treatment of Transfusional Iron Overload in Patients With Sickle Cell Disease or Other Anemias ApoPharma Inc. Ongoing " Deferiprone Deferoxamine" 3b LA38-0411 ACH
"The Efficacy and Safety of Bimatoprost SR in Patients With Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension." Allergan Ongoing Bimatoprost SR 3 192024-092 KKESH
The Effectiveness of Convalescent Plasma Transfusion in Preventing Clinical Deterioration and Critical Care Admission in COVID 19 Patients at a Primary Corona Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia PMBAH Ongoing Convalescent Plasma 2 20-252C Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz hospital (Riyadh)
The Effectiveness of Convalescent Plasma for the Treatment of Severe COVID-19 Cases in Intensive Care Unit King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Ongoing Convalescent Plasma 3 IRB 2020-19-V2 KFSH&RC-J
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